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NANY 2013: Carbon - website / blogging framework [alpha]

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I admire people who posses the good taste (and courage) to continue to use serif fonts on their webpages. :Thmbsup: ;D

Don't get too excited it's just Georgia. Unless you don't have that, and because I haven't specified a fallback, you will see some times new roman or something and that would explain your comment  :D

Don't get too excited it's just Georgia. Unless you don't have that, and because I haven't specified a fallback, you will see some times new roman or something and that would explain your comment  :D
-justice (November 14, 2012, 03:07 AM)
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I recognized it as being Georgia. If it displayed as Times I would not have been half so impressed.

Whether by accident - or design - you still couldn't have picked a better serif for web use.

Nice article about why that's so can be found here.

 8) :Thmbsup:

I might pick up development of this again as I am interested in improving it from a code perspective, it's a nice little pet project.

However I think that the main obstacle for people using it is the disconnect between writing the content locally and publishing the static site on the server.
Do you prefer writing blog posts and content locally (with carbon picking up changes and seamlessly publishing the webpages) or via the browser like WordPress does?

Do you prefer writing blog posts and content locally (with carbon picking up changes and seamlessly publishing the webpages) or via the browser like WordPress does?
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Personally I wouldn't mind either way, but if you think there's ever any chance that someone else might also be blogging on your site, the local approach becomes a problem.


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