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In search of ... cookie viewer w/create date
I'm a bit embarrassed to ask, since I can so seldom contribute, but I've got another dilemma :o.
I need to find a universal, i.e., works with most/all browsers, cookie viewer application that shows, as well as expiration date, the date the cookie was installed on a particular system. I've looked here and online, but nothing quite seems to fill that particular bill :-\.
As an example, we want to see all cookies that were added during today's browsings (a time stamp would be nice, but prolly too much to expect). Or, maybe, all cookies that were written last week.
I've tried several, Cookie Spy and the late Karen Kenworthy's Cookie Viewer being the last couple. Most all of 'em do a fine job of showing origin, content, expiration, and the like, but none that I've tried to date list creation date.
Do any of you know of such a beastie?
(While I'm at it, is there a way to consistently redirect new cookies to a specified location? Never really thought about that before.)
(If we cannot find this soon, I may have to commission one (1) :-\.)
You could try Cookie Jar (for Firefox):
(I've not tried it out myself, but I might after this. It's shareware for $24.95.)
From the link:
Cookie Jar is a utility program to examine the contents of the cookie files on your computer. It can show you the cookies that have been set by web sites you have visited with your browser and allow you too see the details contained inside them. You can view, edit and even delete unwanted cookies. Shows when cookies were created and when they will expire.
--- End quote ---
(By the way, I found this quite quickly by googling "cookie analyzer", and then exploring the results and associated links and reading people's reviews. There seems to be quite a lot of software - FREE and otherwise - for cookie management and analysis out there.)
Already did. Cookie Jar shows a list of cookies, which you can ban, allow, or remain undecided. No dates whatsoever, nor does it show content :down:.
(I really liked that about Karen's product, but while it'll install and load, it doesn't know where to look on Win7.)
Just tried Cookie Monster: won't run, thinks Firefox is open, must be terminated with a task manager :down:.
Cookies Manager+ for firefox will show creation date and allow you to view and edit the content of cookies and various other details.
As you've mentioned, Cookie Spy appears to be the only complete cross-browser program, why not send them a suggestion for the creation date?
You didn't mention LSOws either.
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