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IDEA: move small dialog windows to cursor position
That looks like you also have the problem, but the prior versions were making it not appear, since when you specified DetectableWindows, it wouldn't detect any window other than the ones in that list.-jgpaiva (April 11, 2006, 02:17 AM)
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Just to be clear, until a day or two ago, there was nothing after DectectableWindows= in my script.
I should say that otherwise, I don't use the .ini file. I was getting mixed up when modifying and reloading the script (and don't want to use F9 and F10), so I vanished the last part of the code reading and writing the .ini file, and all references to it. I'd rather have everything in one place.
For not having the hotkeys, you could have set the "hotkey" variable to false :P
-jgpaiva (April 11, 2006, 02:17 AM)
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-AndyM (April 10, 2006, 09:51 PM)
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Understood. I just mention that I don't need the hotkey function, so not having an .ini file doesn't cause me a problem.
To force dialog boxes under a certain height (130) to bypass the other
height and width filters, I added the fifth and six lines below.
--- ---If NotDetectableWindow(WinTitle,WinClass)
If DetectableWindow(WinTitle,WinClass)
gosub movewindow
If WinHeight < 130
gosub movewindow
If WinHeight > %PredefWinHeight%
If WinWidth > %PredefWinWidth%
This takes care of those pesky wide but short (in height) dialog boxes
that all have the same ahk class and window title as taller and
narrower windows. I have one dialog box in Outlook Express that I
never want to jump, and one I always want to jump, and they both have
the same ahk class and window title. Fooling with
%PredefWinHeight/Width% kept having other consequences, so this seems
to fix it. so far...
any updates?
I was a little bit behind schedule, but at last got it done. At least apparently, it looks like it's working great!
It now has:
* About Box
* Tray Menu
* Tray Icon
* Executable Icon
* WinBorder, the border around each dialog box, that if the mouse is inside it, it doesn't move the box
* Window Buffer, a buffer that stores the windows that are active, in order not to move already existant windowsBoth the border and the buffer use are options in the .ini file, where you can ser "winborder" to the border you'd like the window not to be detected, and UseBuffer to false if you don't like the idea of not having every window being moved.
.exe file:
.ahk file:
(I'm sory I still don't have a webpage to put all this links, but i hope to have one soon.)
Very nice! I'm even using the .ini file now that I understand better how it works.
(I still don't experience any shrinking windows in the applications I use, but the repeated restore/minimize AHK Help test still shrinks that window to a short title bar, after just a handful of click-cycles.)
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