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IDEA: move small dialog windows to cursor position
excellent. the new DialogMove appears to be working perfectly. I've not used it for long but all dialog windows behave as expected so far.
thank you very much for this, jgpaiva. my machine feels 1000% friendlier already.
Cool nudone, glad to know it's working for you ;)
I found this little gem yesterday and have found a couple of issues.
The "which windows..." entry in the options allows newlines but doesn't interpret them as separators, with the effect that the ini can get populated with entries that can't be interpreted. It's not clear what the separator should be, either.
Trivial: on the "rules" tab, "Height" is misspelled.
Hi Oblivion!
Try using a coma (","), it should work. If it doesn't, just select the window you want to make detectable and press F8.
Hi Oblivion!
Try using a coma (","), it should work.-jgpaiva (August 06, 2013, 05:01 AM)
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Aha. I was experimenting with semicolons. Thanks!
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