Software > DesktopCoral
How to start a program in the reserved area
AM I MISSING SOMETHING? The help does not seem to contain one very important piece of information: how do I actually get a window open INSIDE the reserved space??? Isn't the whole point the ability to have an application open in a reserved screen area? In my case, I want to have a browser window open in the reserved area so that anything else users open (e.g. mostly documents on a shared computer) will open in the remaining space.
TIA for the help
I'm sure mouser can give you a better answer, but from looking at desktop coral's webpage, I believe it is better suited for widget-type of applications than for a regular windowed application. A widget application would stay in the background and ignore the rule set by desktop coral, hence being able to be placed in the reserved space.
For the example you mentioned, I think maybe you should take a look at my own GridMove.
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