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Hard drive shortage

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QFT.  It's all FUD to a large extent from both sides, to get people frothing at the mouth rabid and unable to look at things rationally.
-wraith808 (December 20, 2011, 10:59 PM)
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+1 .. heck, we're talking about hard drives, where did this word even come from ;p. I really hate it when the most innocent of social programs (or government regulation to stop abuses like child labor) are called socialist, when we are arguably the most capitalist country in the world. There is no hidden agenda to transform us into a socialist or communist society. It'd be nice if there were at times, to give some counter-balance to our crazy capitalist system where anything goes.. but, it is what it is. I think half those who use the word 'socialism' don't even really understand it to be honest.

Yeah...I didn't quite mean that seriously.  I was describing my knee-jerk paranoia.  I should have put one of these at the end:   ;D

HDD Pricewatch: Three Months Into the Thai Floods

HDD Pricewatch: Three Months Into the Thai Floods
-PhilB66 (February 08, 2012, 10:43 AM)
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Nice article...thanks for sharing!

HDD Pricewatch: Three Months Into the Thai Floods
-PhilB66 (February 08, 2012, 10:43 AM)
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Hmmm... Glad I'm going to Korea next week. I may pick up a few drives there depending on if they've dropped back down there.

Thanks for posting that.


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