News and Reviews > Best E-mail Client
Folder Content Counts
I have a correction to this:
One thing we love, that few other email clients seem to have (none of the others we looked at in this review), is the listing of the folder content counts, not just new-message counts, in the side bar. Most email clients only list the count of new unread mail; TheBat! shows both. Folders with unread mail are shown bold.
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PocoMail 3 has a way to show folder content counts, too. You click the Mailboxes header pane, then select Columns | Show Total Messages.
and this is why moving to a two week review with member preview and comment is going make our reviews better and more accurate.
i will update the review saying the pocomail supports this.
As it turns out, Thunderbird 1.0.2 also has this feature, though it's far from obvious. I've attached a screen shot that shows the control you need to click to expose this hidden column. The screen shot shows a tiny part of the folder pane.
I only know this because I finally got fed up with PocoMail's bugs and ditched it.
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