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What's with all the blank lines in emails recieved from Outlook users?
Stoic Joker:
But people need to relax with the fancy formatting in email.
-superboyac (May 15, 2009, 11:38 PM)
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Damn Straight!
It drives my batty when I try to respond to an email that has some screwy formatting that causes the text to space out 3 lines appart even if you try to let auto-wrap. ...This usually happens with the lame stationary format Emails.
There is a running discussion about this on
There was one solution that seemed workable. Check it out.
The way Outlook does a lot of things is real shitty. Especially for such a widely used and mature program. Thanks for the link, I always enjoy when people write about this stuff because they usually go ignored while people bitch about the more "important" issues.
I use Outlook at work. I use the Bat at home. The Bat is awesome in 90% of everything, but it's editor has issues also, and they never get fixed. Very few people pay attention to these little things and they go unfixed for ages...version after version, these things remain. It's ridiculous. I'm almost of the mindset, forget the big major improvements and focus on tweaking the little things. Why? Because for mature software, the big, major features are not going to be used much, and the little, everyday things are always being used. but nobody talks about it, nobody thinks about it, so nobody fixes it.
For example, the Bat still can't wrap lines like a normal editor. And it's been like 10 years. And there's no easy way of bringing it up. Their most widely used troubleshooting/community group is on mailing lists. It's so stupid. Forums are way more efficient and productive for this kind of thing.
For example, the Bat still can't wrap lines like a normal editor.-superboyac (August 06, 2009, 03:37 PM)
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Can you elaborate on this point?
For example, the Bat still can't wrap lines like a normal editor.-superboyac (August 06, 2009, 03:37 PM)
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Can you elaborate on this point?
-Innuendo (August 06, 2009, 04:11 PM)
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I started a thread about it on the mailing list:[email protected]/msg98447.html
This is actually a different issue. The actual thread I started for the wrapping specifically is here:[email protected]/msg97934.html
I'll quote it here. You can see how the wrapping is already screwed up in the post. I wrote to the mailing list using Microed and everything looked fine on the screen editor in the program, and you can see how it showed up:
I'm using microEd and I have the free caret option turned off. In email
programs I've used, and
also with the bat, I always have issues with word wrappiing. Specifically
for the Bat, I notice
problems when I type a paragraph, but then go back to edit something or
delete something in the
middle of the paragraph. What happens is that the line wrapping gets all
screwed up and if I add
some words to the middle of the paragraph, that line I added on to will now
stretch way beyond the
regular wrapping edge. Similarly, if I delete words, the line will shorten but
it won't bring along
the next line with other words, only that one line will shorten even if
more words from the
next line can fit above.
The point is, the wrapping only works when you are typing the paragraph from
scratch. When you go
back to edit a paragraph, all the wrapping gets broken and messed up. Why
can't it dynamically wrap
everything like any other text editor would do? Is there a setting somewhere?
I've run into this before and someone suggested that when that happens, I
reformat the paragraph
with some shortcut (I forgot what it was, but it was something similar to just
aligning left). But
my real question is why can't the program do this automatically?
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