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What's with all the blank lines in emails recieved from Outlook users?
How come whenever I recieve email from people who use Outlook, there are so many blank lines? It's pretty annoying. It's not even just double-spaced, sometimes there are 3 or 4 lines between actual lines of text like this:
When are we going to
the movie tomorrow?
What the heck is wrong with that program?
could it be that they are writing it in html style,etc. and you are viewing it in plaintext mode which is adding the spaces? ive seen this before - annoying; maybe there is an option to remove double blank lines..
Yes, I'm pretty sure that's it. But why does it do that? It's one of the most annoying things about using email. I'm a plain text guy when it comes to email, I don't have a lot of patience for all the formatting and stuff, I mean, all we're doing is talking to each other, it's not a freakin presentation. But to each his own...still, that Outlook spacing is ridiculous, especially when you hit reply and you get that > symbol on a ton of blank lines. Sometimes I find myself manually going through and deleting the blank lines in my reply, then I ask myself "why am I even bothering to do this", then I get mad at myself for being so anal, then I get mad at Outlook for making me like this, then I get just cranky at software in general.
Take a chill pill...yes, I know.
This happens because when you are composing email in Outlook and the format is HTML, every time you hit enter, it adds a paragraph break; i.e. it adds a </P> and starts the next line with a <P>. If you then view the resulting message in Outlook, it looks fine, but when viewed in Gmail, Yahoo!, etc., etc. those </P> tags are converted to extra line breaks.
The only solution is for the person composing the message in Outlook to hit Ctrl+Enter instead of just Enter; Outlook then inserts a standard line break (<BR> tag) instead of a </P>.
The other solution is for Microsoft to FIX THIS... that will probably be a long wait.
This happens because when you are composing email in Outlook and the format is HTML, every time you hit enter, it adds a paragraph break; i.e. it adds a </P> and starts the next line with a <P>. If you then view the resulting message in Outlook, it looks fine, but when viewed in Gmail, Yahoo!, etc., etc. those </P> tags are converted to extra line breaks.
The only solution is for the person composing the message in Outlook to hit Ctrl+Enter instead of just Enter; Outlook then inserts a standard line break (<BR> tag) instead of a </P>.
The other solution is for Microsoft to FIX THIS... that will probably be a long wait.
-equinexus (May 15, 2009, 10:07 PM)
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seriously, it's so annoying. Now that most email programs can handle html, it's not as bad. But people need to relax with the fancy formatting in email.
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