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NANY 2011 Release: Snap DB

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NANY 2011 Entry Information
Application Name Snap DB Short Description Simple, flat-file database/list app Supported OSes Windows 7.  Probably works, but not tested, on Windows XP/Vista/8. Web Page Website Download Link Download Author Jody Holmes - Skwire Empire
Simple, flat-file database app.

NANY 2011 Release: Snap DB

NANY 2011 Release: Snap DB

Download the zip file and extract its contents into a new folder.  Run SnapDB.exe to start the application.

Using the Application
Pretty self-explanatory; right-click things and use the menu and toolbar buttons.  

Delete the folder you unzipped it to.  The application doesn't write to the registry.

Known Issues
This is an app I wrote a while back and use for lists of almost everything (games I own, books to read, etc.).  I decided to pretty it up for a NANY 2011 release.  The feature-set is hardly finished and I plan to further develop this.

Nice screenshot, Skwire.  I like apps with a clean interface, that are simple to use, yet useful.  Might be able to put this to work.  I notice the file extension is .snp.  Is it in essence a text file, or non-text but flat in the sense that there is no internal hierarchy of tables, etc., such as in a structured database?  In other words, could the files created/used by the program be opened in a text editor?

looks fantastic.

couple of quick suggestions:

* 1) on first use, in help file, and maybe even at bottom statusbar on startup it should explain "right-click on column titles to rename them"
* 2) have it auto-reload the last database file, OR the database file in the current directory if no config file entry for last database file exists; one reason this would be SO useful is because it would let users SHARE the exe+database with someone by sending it to them, and all they would have to do is run the exe to have the data loaded and ready.

Nice screenshot, Skwire.  I like apps with a clean interface, that are simple to use, yet useful.  Might be able to put this to work.  I notice the file extension is .snp.  Is it in essence a text file, or non-text but flat in the sense that there is no internal hierarchy of tables, etc., such as in a structured database?  In other words, could the files created/used by the program be opened in a text editor?
-kyrathaba (December 26, 2010, 10:18 PM)
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Yes, the format is pretty simple to figure out.  The app was inspired by a couple of apps.  One is called List² and the other was called Table Tool which, sadly, no longer exists though you can still download the app from  The format is very similar to what those apps use(d).

* 1) on first use, in help file, and maybe even at bottom statusbar on startup it should explain "right-click on column titles to rename them"
* 2) have it auto-reload the last database file, OR the database file in the current directory if no config file entry for last database file exists; one reason this would be SO useful is because it would let users SHARE the exe+database with someone by sending it to them, and all they would have to do is run the exe to have the data loaded and ready.-mouser (December 26, 2010, 10:18 PM)
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Can do.

It's great :Thmbsup:
One (big, in size) feature request would be to be able to sequentially output the records to print in some form, so I could enter my christmas card addresses into SnapDB and print them nicely (for next years cards ofcourse)


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