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Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room

Show us a photo of your mutt or other creatures..

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Oh giampy I am so sorry... You must be devastated.. Our thoughts go out to you and Romeo.

Oh giampy I am so sorry... You must be devastated.. Our thoughts go out to you and Romeo.
-mouser (January 09, 2018, 03:21 PM)
--- End quote ---

Thank you Mouser for your solidarity.

Couldn't participate in this thread until today. Introducing our 4 new Buff Orpington chicks, Lady, BonBon, Sally, and Orckle. (Not sure the spelling has been pinned down on the last one yet).
Show us a photo of your mutt or other creatures..

Born near Hamburg Germany.
Schutzhund trained.
97 lb almost 29 in at the withers.
Runs on the treadmill.
Black Sable

ayryq , that is a great looking family (humans and birds!).

silat, that is one beautiful dog  :-*


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