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BBCeditor 1.1.35
WOW, You really have been on fire since my last look at this. BBCeditor has proven somewhat useful to me since March, but I now see that you have had what, 15+ changes since? :o
I don't use it nearly as much anymore since I was force-moved from my job to another position (not a wholly bad thing in this case, but not requested either). I still can see the occasional use for it though, like here on DC... :P
Downloading newest version.....
You've definitely missed most important changes: big speed improvement, alternative parsing engine, snippets and own Open/Save dialogues. There are also Find/Replace and Undo/Redo (set in INI) features.
Paul Keith:
Thanks for this. I've been looking quite a while for a replacement for FASS and finally saw this in this thread:
Could you explain how to use it though? I don't know what to do with the interface except know that the left side is text typable while the right side is not and when you click save, you actually have to save it as a file.
Ok. I finally spotted "Help" at the far right side and the refresh button.
Is there a way to make the shortcuts act like traditional WYSIWYG editor? I mean that is when I click ctrl+B for example it would put the type location immediately between --b and /b as opposed to after [/b]
Also maybe a more noticeable copy text and pre-included templates for making the previews mimic traditional forums? Also do you have plans on extending the program for imageboards and such?
2Paul Keith
I am sorry, I don't have a much time for coding these days but I will see what I can do. Last thing I did with BBCeditor was general code clean up only (not released).
I can't promise new version very quick but I'll try to do something with it.
Is there a way to make the shortcuts act like traditional WYSIWYG editor? I mean that is when I click ctrl+B for example it would put the type location immediately between --b and /b as opposed to after [/b]
-Paul Keith
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It should not be a problem to make an option for that.
Also maybe a more noticeable copy text and pre-included templates for making the previews mimic traditional forums?-Paul Keith
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There is "Choose style" option in "Tools" menu which checks CSS files from "styles" folder. If something exist there, BBCeditor will show it to you allowing to change preview panel template. Unfortunately, I did not have a time to create valid style sheets yet. Althoguh, you can make it by yourself ;)
Also do you have plans on extending the program for imageboards and such?
-Paul Keith
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I am not familiar with them. Care to elaborate what is missing / you'd like to see?
Paul Keith:
Thanks for the quick reply. No rush, as far as I know, yours is the only one actually being developed.
Unfortunately I don't know CSS which is why I asked.
With regards to imageboards, there are no BBCodes. At least not the one I used.
Rather it is more like notepad but with some quirky ways to mimic traditional forums. Still, even this, I am not sure whether it's software exclusive. (I actually don't post much in these boards, just thought it was a good idea to diversify.)
The first issue is a bit of a minor one. Most of these boards are for uploading a pic alongside a post so it would be nice to see how an image would be previewed by it although this is a very minor one since most image posters tend to not write any long post.
The quoting and linking system though require the symbols >> and > respectively in front of the text. I forgot which one is which.
Anyways, from what I've seen from a few of these boards, the >> arrow is used for quotes but it's troublesome. First you have to always press the quote button besides the actual poster or at least know the post serial no. of said poster. Finally after you've done this, you can't see the actual quote. Only by posting will you see the quoted post via the number turning into a drop down link that shows the post. I'm not sure if there's an efficient way to preview this but it would be nice to do so.
The > post on the other hand turns the paragraph after it, green. Thus this is an alternative for quoting in those boards.
Unfortunately what this also means is that often times, quoting multiple paragraphs result into only the first paragraph being shown green. Putting multiple > wouldn't be hard but it would be nice if there's a way to highlight and do this as well as mass-remove this.
Those are the only 3 options I know of outside of a permalink/link checker if the thread is up or down that could benefit these boards.
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