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IDEA: Shell extension to show total play time of media clips

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ooh i should have checked back sooner  :huh:

the new build works just as i imagined, thanks so much for adding command line support :)

as per our discussion in the chatroom, i made a quick comparison with questionman. here's the screenshot. though, i used an older version of playtime.

IDEA: Shell extension to show total play time of media clips

Edit: changed the image size to thumbnail.

Looks like they're both pretty accurate in terms of time.  Within a second, anyway.  Were you wanting more columns in PlayTime?

hmm.. i hadn't noticed the duration but it's no biggie. the reason i posted the above is: aye, sir! more customizable columns would be great! :)

aye, sir! more customizable columns would be great! :)
-lanux128 (July 28, 2009, 08:07 AM)
--- End quote ---
Any, in particular, that you would like to see?


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