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Why I Avoid Apple Products

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It turns out the real reason was that she had been staying with a family with three children all of whom had been extolling the huge advantages of their very pretty MacBooks.
-Carol Haynes (March 17, 2009, 04:52 AM)
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what Apple really know how to do is to make full use of the craving factor

@Carol Haynes

If she had been going to uni to do a graphic design course I could easily have support her choice but she is going to do English - so all she needs is a browser and a Word Processor!-Carol Haynes
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Forgive me my ignorance but what is so special in Macs to make them better than PCs for graphic design?

I must admit: I worked with them 2 months only but never saw a single thing (which cannot be done on PC) to prove such myth.

Carol Haynes:
I agree but a lot of graphics companies use Macs - (just about the only ones that do unless you believe Hollywood where even full body scanners in hospitals are powered by Macs) and so it isn't unreasonable to argue that someone going into that field may be at more of an advantage to have knowledge of Macs.


I dont know much about it (I should :-[)
but AFAIK if you're preparing stuff for publication/printing I believe the mac fonts are much more suitable and/or successful

It turns out the real reason was that she had been staying with a family with three children all of whom had been extolling the huge advantages of their very pretty MacBooks.-Carol Haynes (March 17, 2009, 04:52 AM)
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Isn't this the reason why most mac-users end up with a mac? To look smart. And make outrageous claims like "photoshop filters run faster because photoshop is a mac product!" :huh:


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