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silly humor - post 'em here! [warning some NSFW and adult content]
Have to admit I find this incredibly funny. Makes me cringe and laugh at the same time :o :-[ ;D
40hz: imho that picture is pretty fail - the whole point of the "priceless" meme is that the priceless thing is supposed to be something negative. We can discuss whether linux is that or not, but it obviously isn't to the guy wearing the t-shirt :)
the whole point of the "priceless" meme is that the priceless thing is supposed to be something negative
-f0dder (May 14, 2009, 07:10 PM)
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Um...not where I come from! ;D
In the USA, the word 'priceless' would (in this particular context and joke framework) be interpreted to mean a combination of "delightfully amusing" and "having a value beyond any price" (see definition 1a & 3 below). Neither interpretation suggests negativity.
'Priceless' is also frequently (and incorrectly IMHO) used as a synonym for the word 'perfect' where I live.
from Webster's Dictionary
Pronunciation: \ˈprīs-ləs\
Function: adjective
Date: 1594
1 (a) having a value beyond any price : invaluable (b) costly because of rarity or quality : precious
2: having worth in terms of other than market value
3: delightfully amusing, odd, or absurd
--- End quote ---
I do think, however, that the last two sentences don't really work. It would have read better if the author left them out.
Airline complaint:
silly humor - post 'em here! [warning some NSFW and adult content]
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