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Firefox Extensions: Your favorite or most useful
Since I still have fuzzy text issues on my Toshiba I found one means to deal with it in Firefox at least. It's Document Font Toggle
It's quite simple. Set your custom default font in Firefox. Check to allow sites to choose their own fonts. When the site text looks bad hit the toolbar button to use the default instead. I find a heavy font like Arial Black easy to read even if the page is a bit blurry.
Edit: anyone have a favorite font for forum type web sites? Arial Black I can see but the heaviness makes everything look unread. Something crisp for text body as well as subject line.
Started using "View as text" -- handy for viewing certain files right in the browser instead of having to save them first and then open them to take a look...
Haven't figured out if it's possible to type something into the address field and have this add-on do its thing after typing "Enter" -- at the moment, have to find a link to right-click on...
With the release of Firefox 1.5 Final, I find myself more willing to explore Firefox once again. Only problem is, we all know it takes at least 10 extensions to achieve the features of an Opera or Maxthon
-mackyy20 (October 17, 2014, 04:51 AM)
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It's a pity they butchered MaxThon user written extensions. MT II had a vibrant community contributing their own features. Now I don't even want to try III with the signature official extension crap. The virus paranoia has ruined the web for sure. :(
Firefox 1.5 Final
-mackyy20 (October 17, 2014, 04:51 AM)
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Wasn't that released somewhere in 2005? Looks like waaaay off the charts here... (iow: possible spam? )
Firefox 1.5 Final
-mackyy20 (October 17, 2014, 04:51 AM)
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Wasn't that released somewhere in 2005? Looks like waaaay off the charts here... (iow: possible spam? )
-Ath (October 17, 2014, 05:53 AM)
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I guess it wasn't that final after all? Up to v 33 now. :)
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