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Firefox Extensions: Your favorite or most useful
btw, anyone who tries firefox to see if they want to keep using it, should not even start to try it until they install Tab Mix Plus.
To me, this 1 extension is the make or break feature of firefox to me. It turns a browser with poor tab support to one with amazing tab support. (note: there are a couple other tab extensions for firefox, they may be equally good for all i know, but you NEED one of these otherwise ff sucks, imho).
So if you are a tabbed-browser fan, and have been dissapointed with plain firefox, you need to try tab mix plus, it's just packed with cool options.
housetier, try Multisubmit Not fully automated but pretty cool. If you want to sync those 2 services may be you should look elsewhere
Blummy might have something for you as well 100s of bookmarklets already, 1 does Furl/ but probably just 2 popup windows. You can modify code, make your own.
Well Firefox 2.0 has undo tab and session saving, overall better with tabs so less need for Tab Mix. Still FF wont open new tabs right next to current put throw them way back - hopeless. So Tab Control is needed Also "power users" will need at least 2 lines of tabs, scrolling back and forth with arrows or moving tabs to get organized is no option with perhaps 20-30 open tabs. FF 2 has been much encouraged by Tab Mix and similar tools but still they leave out important features. I think they are worried to get that Opera look (initial overkill) - think more about grandma than power user who will know how to fix problem with extension/tweaks anyway. May be...
Tab Mix Plus is almost a must on 1.5.0.x that is true. Without any tuning and having 10-20+ tabs open it is close to annoying.
Tab Mix is called Mix because it originally was answer to the installation puzzle users had to make. There were 5-10 different Tab related extensions, sometimes conflicting etc. So someone decided to melt them together and there was Tab Mix. Guy got bombed with suggestions and kind of ran out of fuel. Others took over and there was Tab Mix Plus - current team. They have added own code and still do but some of the old smaller extensions are still alive. Tab Browser Extension has always been the original Like Tab Mix Plux x5. Huge and sometimes buggy. Shows just how much can be done with Firefox. He have done that since long, goes back to 2002! That guy got to be number 1 extension coder, his other tools are also special and ahead of time. At some point Mozilla even warned against TBE, not any more I think but it really takes over Tabs from Firefox.
About Fasterfox you better disable the prefetching. Not good for all servers. He has been flamed for that many times but says any server adm. can disable prefetching. Hmm, may be best if he did. Im not sure it is enabled by default. Best to use own preset not his or at least not the most aggressive. Very good tool for this tweaking stuff though. Can restore FF defaults 100% so pretty much foolproof.
thanks dk70.
so do you recomment that i unload fasterfox?
i think i used tab browser extensions before and loved it, and i dont know which is better, tmp or tbe.. do you have a preference?
No no, but disable "Enhanced Prefetching" If you also diasale Page Load Timer there is not much reason to use it since these are the only original features. I have same settings but as entries in user.js = manual tweaking. Then you have to find settings, be sure they are correct etc. And if you delete user.js they are still active because in prefs.js - all this Fasterfox take care of. Should you uninstall then first chose Default preset, restart Firefox - then uninstall extension.
Well TBE is overkill for most but amazing. Practically all other tab extensions are inspired by it. Some say the same of TMP so... Too much of a good thing perhaps. "This extension strongly unrecommended. Tab Mix is recommended instead of this, because it is stable, light, and it covers most useful features of this." and "Virtually, now no one can update TBE codes, excluding me. Its codes are like as entwined spaghetti. Many unknown bugs are maybe there, many known problems (with unknown reasons) too." :) his own words, heh. He dont skip features thats for sure but not as bad as he says. An example could be sessionsaving. TMP can will not save content in forms or textareas like this Im writing in right now. TBE does that which makes it 10 times more complicated. TMP authors and the guy behind sessionsaving in FF 2.0 say so. Content is saved over and over. File monitor will show. TMP and 99 out of 100 users are happy with 99% restoration hit rate, TBE goes for 100.
Make a new clean profile if you want to test current TBE. "Current" might be a problem, I see latest is from March - may be he is preparing for FF 2.0. Usually it is updated much more often. Real use for this is probably for Seamonkey users, they can get modernized and dont have to envy Firefox. There is also Multizilla or something.
Think I mentioned TBE because the guy never really gets mentioned and obviously has been ahead of extension game for years Possible those inspired by him have made "better" extensions.
Zotero is an amazing new bibliographic reference manager. Calling it an "extension" doesn't do it justice. It behaves like a full-fledged application within Firefox. If you're a student, academician, researcher or writer, you really should check this out. If you've been saving for Endnote or RefWorks, you can probably spend that money on something else.
From the web site at
"Zotero is a free, easy-to-use research tool that helps you gather and organize resources (whether bibliography or the full text of articles), and then lets you to annotate, organize, and share the results of your research. It includes the best parts of older reference manager software (like EndNote)—the ability to store full reference information in author, title, and publication fields and to export that as formatted references—and the best parts of modern software such as or iTunes, like the ability to sort, tag, and search in advanced ways. Using its unique ability to sense when you are viewing a book, article, or other resource on the web, Zotero will—on many major research sites—find and automatically save the full reference information for you in the correct fields."
Note that Zotero requires Firefox 2.0.
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