Software > PopUp Wisdom
PopUp Wisdom : it's possible install as a portable program ?
PopUp Wisdom : it's possible install as a portable program ?
I would like to install this program as a portable program because to share between several installations of windows xp pro in the same pc.
Excuse my language. I'm from Canary Islands
Yes you can. PopupWisdom does not need an installation program, you can simply copy the files to any PC, wherever you want them.
To extract the files without running the installation program, just run any unzip program (like winzip for example) and open the .exe file as if it was a zip file and extract the contents. Or rename PopupWisdomSetup.exe to and unzip it as normal :)
I try now and comments
Excuse my language. I'm from Canary Islands
First I uninstall the normal version and clean the rest with the Explorer.
Then I rename the installer to a zip file and extracted with no problem.
I recover my books from a folder specially for the ocassion.
But when i executed popupwisdom i obtain this :
PopUp Wisdom : it's possible install as a portable program ?
PopUp Wisdom : it's possible install as a portable program ?
PopUp Wisdom : it's possible install as a portable program ?
PopUp Wisdom : it's possible install as a portable program ?
PopUp Wisdom : it's possible install as a portable program ?
PopUp Wisdom : it's possible install as a portable program ?
by the way, you can attach images to your posts, no need to use image hosting.
popup wisdom doesnt install any system files so i dont know why it would give that error when running in portable mode.. does it run on your pc if you install it normally?
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