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Show us the View Outside Your Window
Wow, tim, that's very nice!
Wow, tim, that's very nice!
-f0dder (February 12, 2011, 03:33 PM)
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Thank you very much! One small upside to the world's bizarre weather - gorgeous rolling clouds of fog under bright sunshine. Nothing like it last year.
OK, something you don't see much outside my window - the neighbours attempt at rooftop parking.
Show us the View Outside Your Window
I was planning to have a leisurely day of nothing but spent 5 hours helping put it rubber-side down and getting it level again.
Christ, 4wd, how'd that happen? :)
Christ, 4wd, how'd that happen? :)-f0dder (February 16, 2011, 02:41 AM)
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He was towing it up his driveway but the rope broke and it rolled back and tipped over the edge. He was lucky, it's resting on the roof of his shed and didn't go through it. The roofrack on the Landcruiser also stopped it from completely flipping and continuing down the slope.
After I'd dragged it upright with my Landcruiser, small dent in rear quarter panel the only damage - they build these tough :D
Show us the View Outside Your Window
Hand winched it sideways a couple of feet and then pulled it backwards to level ground.
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