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Startup Delayer
JimB I noticed you were asking about a bug related to "waiting for time to pass". I can assure you that this problem is gone. Startup Delayer 3.0 is completely new software compared to 2.5. I've even added a feature in the Options window where you can tell Startup Delayer to wait for another application to start before launching the applications.-CliffCawley (May 21, 2011, 06:50 AM)
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Well that's perfect because this message "waiting for time to pass" only should appear very shortly. In my case Startup Delayer itself got caught up sometimes between other invisible thngs that start up and consequently since the message remained it didn't startup itself. As I said in the meantime I solved that for 100% by manually starting SUD some minute or so after start. Now that I'm sure I can overinstall the 3.0 version in the same folder. I think your link in Vista is skipping a few folders in it's path. Shouldn't it be:
Windowx Vista/7: C:\Users\Users\Name User\AppData\Roaming\r2 Studios\Startup Delayer instead of Windowx Vista/7: C:\Users\All Users\r2 Studios\Startup Delayer
I don't always monitor these forums, but if you have any questions, feel free to use the contact form on my website: (May 21, 2011, 06:50 AM)
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Thanks anyway for dropping by.
I think your link in Vista is skipping a few folders in it's path. Shouldn't it be:
Windowx Vista/7: C:\Users\Users\Name User\AppData\Roaming\r2 Studios\Startup Delayer instead of Windowx Vista/7: C:\Users\All Users\r2 Studios\Startup Delayer-JimB (May 21, 2011, 01:26 PM)
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Hi JimB,
The All Users path is correct for the location of all your delayed/disabled applications.
The "Name User" path just has settings such as column widths, window sizes and chosen languages. All of these settings have changed with 3.0 and don't have a direct connection to the new version. Startup Delayer 3.0 won't touch these files at all during the upgrade.
Cliff :)
Do we have any users of Startup Delayer 3 Premium here?
When I updated from the first installed version, I lost the Premium features; SD3 rewinded itself back to be a Standard version. Nowhere can I find a place to paste my Premium license code (again), only options to purchase it once more. Cliff is very busy and seem not to have the time to give quick answers.
Did 'you' lose the Premium mode when you updated SD3 Premium? :tellme:
I wasn't aware the 2 version had a premium license ?
-I know: What can be misunderstood, will be misunderstood.
I was talking about my first copy of version 3.
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