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Other Software > Developer's Corner

Digital Signature to verify Publisher...

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I totally agree with your reasoning f0dder. And indeed, my research served a specific purpose, it was for a piece of software that quite a lot of big companies pay annually for (a number with 4 to 5 zeroes behind it, depending on their size) there was already a level of trust and with self signed cert's also an increased level of safety.

I totally agree with your reasoning f0dder. And indeed, my research served a specific purpose, it was for a piece of software that quite a lot of big companies pay annually for (a number with 4 to 5 zeroes behind it, depending on their size) there was already a level of trust and with self signed cert's also an increased level of safety.
-Shades (June 27, 2008, 07:11 PM)
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Yes, for some very specific situations, a self-signed cert can be safer than blindly trusting root CAs. But you need to design your software just right, otherwise it's a train wreck on it's way :) - and self-signed cert certainly isn't a good idea for regular web sites.

One of the bigger companies that sell code certificates is Comodo (the same people who offer the free Comodo firewall).  Looks like code signing certs are $167/year.  Go here:

Microsoft's code signing is nothing short of a complete disgrace. I'll stick with the good ol' gpg sig with the release.


Microsoft's code signing is nothing short of a complete disgrace. I'll stick with the good ol' gpg sig with the release.-Ehtyar (July 12, 2008, 08:41 AM)
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It's a good idea, but probably not implemented/enforced in the best way possible... especially because it's not really attainable for hobbyist developers.


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