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Other Software > Developer's Corner

Digital Signature to verify Publisher...

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So I was wondering how I could sign my executables with something that would verify the true Publisher... Here is a sample image referring to what I am talking about:

I wanna get it to look like this:

I've never actually done it myself, but have worked at companies that signed their code - apparently it's a little complex getting set up, but once you have the scripts and certificates in place it's all basically automatic.

You can get started and test things using tools in Microsoft's SDKs:

But to sign code for public release, you need to purchase an official code signing certificate, which apparently costs at least $80/year:

Installing OpenVPN and OpenSSL gives you the option to create your own certificates, Certificate Authority etc, etc...for free! Besides that, you can select the strength of them as well (512/1024/2048bit keys).

It is easy to do. Instructions are included and if it still gives problems send me a message.

EDIT: Ooops, did not read right. For showing your name in a certificate you need to register yourself with the big names in the field (VeriSign and others like that)...

Shades: would that work in that dialog? Doesn't the certificate have to be signed by microsoft somewhere along the chain?

eww... doesnt look like this is gonna be cheap...


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