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Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room

The SSL certificate industry is a messy business

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damn app is ahead of me once again.
-mouser (November 30, 2010, 10:58 PM)
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No doubt. I can't count how many times I read posts from app103 here or on Facebook and and up following links all over the place. She's a wealth of cool, new information.

damn app is ahead of me once again.
-mouser (November 30, 2010, 10:58 PM)
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No doubt. I can't count how many times I read posts from app103 here or on Facebook and and up following links all over the place. She's a wealth of cool, new information.
-Renegade (December 01, 2010, 07:07 AM)
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+1 x 10E2! April is definitely one of the 'go to' members at DC.

Be really cool if somebody had a paid blogging position they could offer her. She's better than some of the recognized "names" out there.

Any corporate, techsite, or publishing lurkers reading this?

40hz is right.  A while back, I was thinking about all the helpful people here who are very knowledgeable and the programmers are excellent.  It's a great mix of friendliness and good, practical help.  I wish I could create an itunes like store for people here so that it could be a one-stop shop for PC stuff.  Good advice, good solutions, easy to navigate, no fuss.  Maybe sometime in the future, I don't know.  With Google becoming increasingly unreliable and chaotic there's a need for easy, hassle free PC solutions.  And I would love it if some of the people here could make a comfortable living providing their expert-level services to folks out there.  I strongly feel we have some special talent on this board.

I've been really impressed with StartSSL so far.

I've been really impressed with StartSSL so far.
-mouser (December 06, 2010, 11:20 PM)
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The website is a shambles as far as design goes, but the certs work. So far the cert I'm using on my private webmail site is smooth. Haven't had a single user comment on it.


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