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Humanized Enso going free...

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Been trying out the TeX system: (January 16, 2008, 04:58 PM)
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Will Enso TEX Anywhere work inside Ashampoo / SoftMaker Office 2008 or StarOffice 8 ? 

Can I disable (most of) Enso in order to only take advantage of TEX Anywhere ?

:tellme: :tellme:

Will Enso TEX Anywhere work...
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It works in Apps that have a HTML input mode, so Word and Firefox 3 nightly is what I tried it in.

Actually, I stopped using the program because it simply sucks up way too much memory - over 50 Megs on my machine.
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It does use the Firefox/Mozilla core, so not surprising!  ;) On my XP VM I see no more than 30MB working set, 25MB private bytes with all plugins installed. And surprisingly, it triggers faster than FARR (FARR configured to use more memory without more than the default locations indexed). FARR consumes about 10MB of working set, but I'd gladly trade more memory to get it triggering faster.

However, having to type 4 extra keys (o p e n) just to open an application is a major drawback for me.
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[TAB] to complete...

Still having to type [o][tab][fil] for filehamster is slower than [fil] in FARR...The idea is to train the user to think in natural language terms rather than cryptic letter fragments, but I have to say fragments works better for me and probably many others...

As for your troubles with finding the right key, I had the same issue in the beginning (and still do sometimes). What I found was that out of "all" the alternatives, the CAPS key did indeed function best, mostly because I so rarely use it. Those times you actually do need it, there's an internal command for turning it on/off. Just press your trigger key, type "cap" (no need to type more) and your only two alternatives of commands should be "capslook off/on." It's not a perfect solution, but I much prefer it to loosing one of the CTRL or SHIFT keys
-Dirhael (January 17, 2008, 04:34 AM)
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Thank you  :-* I've been "trying" to get used to the right CTRL key but it's almost impossible to type while holding it down (easier with the left one - must have something to do with the keyboard layout and the frequency of letters typed?). Anyway, it's a relief to know that I can use the caps key if necessary. You're right - it is the most convenient key from a usage perspective  :Thmbsup:

Thank you  :-* I've been "trying" to get used to the right CTRL key but it's almost impossible to type while holding it down (easier with the left one - must have something to do with the keyboard layout and the frequency of letters typed?). Anyway, it's a relief to know that I can use the caps key if necessary. You're right - it is the most convenient key from a usage perspective  :Thmbsup:
-Darwin (January 17, 2008, 08:44 AM)
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Yeah, I've even tried remapping buttons with AHK to see if there was any other usable keys comfortable enough to use and oddly enough, there isn't really any. Or perhaps I should say that the SPACE key would have been perfect, if not for the fact that not having that key available leaves the keyboard unusable ;)

By the way, if you type "co" you should get up a command called "command list", which will take you to a page with an explanation for all the available Enso commands for your installation. It's helpful at times. Also, if you intend to actually use Enso to launch programs, it's not a bad idea to remove all start-menu shortcuts to uninstallers etc., because if you don't you risk ending up with something like my attached screenshot...and let's face it, gambling on what program to uninstall isn't usually such a good idea :P

just change the key to the right windows key then and use AHK to only send it when the capslock is touched 2x in rapid succession. the script for such a thing is floating around this forum. you can still use capslock that way.


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