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Humanized Enso going free...
It seems Freedom is on the march (the Bush doctrine has had an unexpected domino effect? ;)), as yet another shareware app is going free, and one whose product area is close to many of our hearts:
(the web site is currently down, but the direct download link is still working: )
Enso is a launcher, aka expensive FARR clone :Thmbsup:
You can see some DC discussion on it here:
I haven't used it since demoing the first (buggy) release, but fundamentally you will either like it or loathe it, as it uses a a pseudo-modal interface (though you can use a classic trigger key if you want). I actually really like the core UI idea, but it requires too much typing (no shortcuts unless it was added recently). Anyway, it is elegant and interresting to play with.
Barring my initial reservations about the self-attributed "GUI guru" status of Aza Raskin, I might give a try to this one now that it's free. Bye, bye, FARR ;D
I'm seeing that Enso Words is free as well, this could be more interesting.
Might this be connected with the news about the guys at Mozilla hiring developers from Humanized? </shameless plug>
I take it that that the above is a shameless plug for your post on DC about this, right? Or are you affiliated with the Mozilla development team?
ROFL. Me affiliated with the Mozilla team, that would be good!
The beta products (basically plugins) are pretty neat too:
The translator is cool, as is the mapping agent (select an address fragment, [MAP] and a google map is inserted into your document!). The thing that Enso is really great at is capturing a selection, doing something with it and putting it back. So you can be typing in an app, select text and translate it directly without needing to cut-n-paste anywhere in the workflow. I don't know how FARR could handle that kind of task. I remember mouser adding a copy selection ability after discussing about Enso, but putting the results back I don't know; FARR has advanced quite a bit so I may be missing out on the newer plugin abilities...
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