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SQLNotes...what is it exactly?

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So my suggestion is that when someone press ctrl-c or edit-copy Sqlnotes should ask user if user is trying to clone or duplicate.
-kartal (March 24, 2008, 07:05 PM)
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Seems like a good idea!

As a user I do not want to go through mazes of search grids, grid list to assosiate my items to views. Copying and pasting is a quite a legitimate way to instance an item in my view. I love dragging an item to grid tab to assosiate but that has limited use if most of the grids are not visible on tab area.
-kartal (March 24, 2008, 07:05 PM)
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I agree. Although simple multiple grid association of an item doesn't involve any maze : select the items you want to associate with another grid and tick the right fields (corresponding to the grid's source) in the properties pane. (when I was talking about the search grid, it was only so that you can find your absent or orphaned pasted items -- if any)

Like I said, to use copy/paste to create grid association could also be a good idea. I just hope it will not create more confusion about what a grid is (the grid doesn't "contain" anything, it's merely  a view...).

Oups... Pierre was first.

Thanks guys, I will try to use SqlN Mantis more often to report.

Armando can you please explain this one little more please  ?
"select the items you want to associate with another grid and tick the right fields (corresponding to the grid's source) in the properties pane."

Armando can you please explain this one little more please  ?
"select the items you want to associate with another grid and tick the right fields (corresponding to the grid's source) in the properties pane."
-kartal (March 24, 2008, 08:49 PM)
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This is actually pure Ecco. If you want an item to be shown under a folder, it requires a value in that folder. True for all folders (in notepad, calendar, phonebook, etc)

So if you have grid1 with source=Field1 and grid2 with source=Field2 then if you want an item that's in grid1 to also show in grid2, simply put something in Field2 for that item.

I understand how it works. I just did not understand how to do that in Sqlnotes. His steps were not clear to me. Is he talking about "available fields"?


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