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Find And Run Robot / Custom alias icon and file properties conflict
« on: January 21, 2015, 07:21 AM »
Setting a custom icon in an alias breaks the right click file proporties action for me.

Create an alias under myaliases with this as result
test | C:\test.txt /icon=test.ico
Copy test.ico to same folder as myaliases.alias

Next search FARR to display that result > right click > properties.
I get this error message:
Windows cannot find 'C:\test.txt /icon=test.ico'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.
Happens in both Windows 7 and Windows 8.

Find And Run Robot / Custom alias icon issue Win7
« on: January 21, 2015, 07:19 AM »
Hi, Custom alias icons doesn't show on my Win7 computer. They do work on another Win 8 machine.

I can reproduce the problem by creating an alias under myaliases with this in the result box
Code: Text [Select]
  1. test | C:\test.txt /icon=test.ico
and copy test.ico to same folder as myaliases.alias (under C:\users\[current user]\ ...).
The icon isn't shown in FARR on my Win7 computer.

I have tried: FARR restart, reboot, FARR reinstall, refresh icon cache in Windows, change default application for .ico files, different files, different icon files.

Maybe related threads

DC Member Programs and Projects / Sumatra Highlight Helper
« on: October 25, 2014, 11:23 AM »
Add, remove and jump between highlights in Sumatra PDF Prerelease version (needed for the highlight command)

H = Highlight selected text + autosaves it into pdfname.pdf.smx
Ctrl+H = Remove all highlighting on this pdf page
Hold CapsLock + move mouse = Remove all highlighting mouse moves over
Win+H = Toggle highlighting visible/hidden
Ctrl+Win+PgUp/PgDn = Jump to next/prev highlight page

Sumatra Highlight Helper is really "feature request ware".
I hope the Sumatra PDF devs try and like the features and make them native.

Download and details:

Find And Run Robot / alias syntax: any way to pad with blank lines?
« on: August 23, 2014, 03:42 AM »
A very minor question/request: I have set FARR to display large icons and paths in the result list. Is there some alias syntax to, with the mentioned settings intact, pad the results list with blank lines? I've tried
| /all_white.ico
but that displays "/all_white.ico" as path. Putting only
on a line makes an icon appear.

The Everything Search Engine updated to version, after a steady stream of updates this summer.

As many here already know Everything very quickly searches through lots of file and folder names on NTFS hard drive. Great to instantly find that particular file you're looking for but forgot where you put. Together FARR and Everything make up a devastatingly dynamic file detection duo.  ;D

Let this be an open thread for tips, tricks, ideas and code for poweruse of Everything. I'll start.

1. In this post I showed how to quickly pass searches from FARR to Everything

2. I made an autohotkey script to quickly display and browse through all and only the images selected in Everything results, even when those images are from different folders.
Code: Autohotkey [Select]
  2. GroupAdd,xwin,ahk_exe MaxView.exe
  3. GroupAdd,xwin,ahk_exe i_view32.exe
  4. GroupAdd,xwin,ahk_exe JPEGView.exe
  6. #IfWinActive, ahk_class EVERYTHING
  7. F4::
  8. clipsaved := ClipboardAll  
  9. send ^c
  10. clipboard := clipsaved
  11. clipsaved =
  13. arr := {}
  14. Loop, Parse, x, `n, `r
  15. {
  16. if xext in jpg,jpeg,tif,png,gif
  17.  arr.Insert(A_LoopField)
  18. }
  19. x = 0
  20. gosub showfirst
  21. return
  23. #IfWinActive ahk_group xwin
  24. #Right::
  25. #Left::
  26. showfirst:
  27. if (arr.MaxIndex()<1)or(x==arr.MaxIndex() and A_ThisHotkey=="#Right")or(x==1 and A_ThisHotkey=="#Left")
  28.  return
  29. x += A_ThisHotkey == "#Left" ? -1 : 1
  30. do := arr[x]
  31. Run %do%
  32. return
If you have autohotkey installed you can run the attached .ahk file. Else run Everything_view_images.exe in the attached zip file (md5 hash c9bde6b19168c7c0593035b435b5c862 ). Next search with Everything and select some image files. Press F4. The first image will open in your default viewer. Next press win+right and win+left to display the next/previous of the selected images. The code should work if your default image viewer is MaxView or JPEGView or IrfanView and the viewer is set to "single instance" mode.
Want to change the hotkey? Edit line 10.
Want to try it with some other default viewer? Edit the filename on line 5 to that of your viewer's exe file.
Want to display the images in a non default viewer? Then also edit line 39 to something like
Run "C:\Program Files\IrFanView\i_view32.exe" "%do%"
but with the application path for the preferred viewer.

3. The same approach as above could be used to do other quick operations on Everything results. For example a script that does GREP searches on the content of all selected files using a tool like Silver Searcher and list all detected content snippets.

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