Coding Snacks / Everything Efu Explorer -- helper tool to browse folders in .efu files
« on: August 19, 2016, 03:58 PM »
Everything Efu Explorer
A helper tool to explore/browse folders in .efu files in Everything.
Similar to folder navigation in Windows Explorer.
Useful for browsing indexes of offline drives.
Download page and up to date instructions for setup and use: https://www.dcmembers.com/nod5/download/everything-efu-explorer/
feature request ware
everything_efu_explorer is "feature request ware". I hope the Everything developer likes it and makes these features native.
I wish Everything had a hotkey to change the window background color, to signal that efu browse mode is started. The Everything.ini file has a normal_background_color variable but edits to the ini only have effect when Everything is closed, so that can't be used to quickly toggle a background color on/off.
Everything is a very fast file and folder search engine - a great program! It can save search results to .efu file lists for later use.
When a .efu file is loaded Everything lists all files/folders in the index matching the search string. But it can be useful to browse a drive index folder by folder, like when navigating through folders in Explorer. That is what Everything Efu Explorer enables. This makes it more convenient to use Everything as a cataloger for offline drives or discs.
efu_make - a companion script to automatically save drive indexes to .efu file list files.
180223 new version of efu_make works with changed command line syntax in never versions of ES.exe
A helper tool to explore/browse folders in .efu files in Everything.
Similar to folder navigation in Windows Explorer.
Useful for browsing indexes of offline drives.
Download page and up to date instructions for setup and use: https://www.dcmembers.com/nod5/download/everything-efu-explorer/
feature request ware
everything_efu_explorer is "feature request ware". I hope the Everything developer likes it and makes these features native.
I wish Everything had a hotkey to change the window background color, to signal that efu browse mode is started. The Everything.ini file has a normal_background_color variable but edits to the ini only have effect when Everything is closed, so that can't be used to quickly toggle a background color on/off.
Everything is a very fast file and folder search engine - a great program! It can save search results to .efu file lists for later use.
When a .efu file is loaded Everything lists all files/folders in the index matching the search string. But it can be useful to browse a drive index folder by folder, like when navigating through folders in Explorer. That is what Everything Efu Explorer enables. This makes it more convenient to use Everything as a cataloger for offline drives or discs.
efu_make - a companion script to automatically save drive indexes to .efu file list files.
180223 new version of efu_make works with changed command line syntax in never versions of ES.exe
Code: Autohotkey [Select]
- ;efu_make by Nod5
- ;a helper tool to index drives to Everything .efu files
- ;- install Autohotkey, https://www.autohotkey.com/
- ;- install Everything , https://www.voidtools.com/
- ;- download es.exe , https://www.voidtools.com/downloads/
- ;- save script as efu_make.ahk , compile to efu_make.exe
- ;- place es.exe in the same folder as efu_make.exe
- ;run efu_make from the command line with a string of drive letters as parameter
- ;example: C:\folder\efu_make.exe CFG
- ;example output: C:\folder\YYMMDD_C.efu , ... _F.efu , ... _G.efu
- #SingleInstance, force
- drives = %1%
- {
- ;old ES efu export syntax
- ;RunWait, "%A_Scriptdir%\es.exe" "%A_LoopField%:\" -efu "%A_ScriptDir%\%stamp%_%A_LoopField%.efu" -p -s ,, Min
- ;new ES efu export syntax
- RunWait, "%A_Scriptdir%\es.exe" -export-efu "%A_ScriptDir%\%stamp%_%A_LoopField%.efu" "%A_LoopField%:\",, Min
- }
- sleep 2000