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Everything Efu Explorer
A helper tool to explore/browse folders in .efu files in Everything.
Similar to folder navigation in Windows Explorer.
Useful for browsing indexes of offline drives.

Download page and up to date instructions for setup and use:

feature request ware
everything_efu_explorer is "feature request ware". I hope the Everything developer likes it and makes these features native.

I wish Everything had a hotkey to change the window background color, to signal that efu browse mode is started. The Everything.ini file has a normal_background_color variable but edits to the ini only have effect when Everything is closed, so that can't be used to quickly toggle a background color on/off.

Everything is a very fast file and folder search engine - a great program! It can save search results to .efu file lists for later use.

When a .efu file is loaded Everything lists all files/folders in the index matching the search string. But it can be useful to browse a drive index folder by folder, like when navigating through folders in Explorer. That is what Everything Efu Explorer enables. This makes it more convenient to use Everything as a cataloger for offline drives or discs.

efu_make - a companion script to automatically save drive indexes to .efu file list files.

180223 new version of efu_make works with changed command line syntax in never versions of ES.exe

Code: Autohotkey [Select]
  1. ;efu_make   by Nod5
  2. ;a helper tool to index drives to Everything .efu files
  4. ;SETUP
  5. ;- install Autohotkey,
  6. ;- install Everything ,
  7. ;- download es.exe ,
  8. ;- save script as efu_make.ahk , compile to efu_make.exe
  9. ;- place es.exe in the same folder as efu_make.exe
  11. ;USAGE
  12. ;run efu_make from the command line with a string of drive letters as parameter
  13. ;example: C:\folder\efu_make.exe CFG
  14. ;example output: C:\folder\YYMMDD_C.efu , ... _F.efu , ... _G.efu
  16. drives = %1%
  17. if !FileExist(A_Scriptdir "\es.exe")
  18. stamp := SubStr(A_now,3,6)  ;YYMMDD
  19. Loop,Parse,drives
  20. {
  21. Tooltip, make new .efu ... %A_LoopField%  , 400, 200
  22. ;old ES efu export syntax
  23. ;RunWait, "%A_Scriptdir%\es.exe" "%A_LoopField%:\" -efu "%A_ScriptDir%\%stamp%_%A_LoopField%.efu" -p -s ,, Min
  24. ;new ES efu export syntax
  25. RunWait, "%A_Scriptdir%\es.exe" -export-efu "%A_ScriptDir%\%stamp%_%A_LoopField%.efu" "%A_LoopField%:\",, Min
  26. }
  27. Tooltip, make new .efu ... done!  , 400, 200
  28. sleep 2000

Last request for now mouser, promise!  :)

Enable filedropping and filepasting onto folders in the FARR results. The idea is to mimic dropping and pasting behaviour from Explorer. Control+dragdrop would copy the file and regular dragdrop would move the file. As for paste if the clipboard file was ctrl+x'ed then move it, if ctrl+c'ed then copy it (note: I have no idea how feasible that is to detect though). Multiple files could be handled like in Explorer too.

Related, but in reverse, let shift and control be used to multiselect files in FARR results (again like Explorer) and dragdrop of multiselect would copy all selected files to the dropped on folder. Let ctrl+C on multiselected files in FARR put them all on the clipboard.

Find And Run Robot / FARR alias options windows - some requests
« on: March 30, 2016, 09:12 AM »
Aliases is a very powerful feature in FARR.
Here are some small enhancement ideas (some mentioned before, but it could be useful to put them in a single thread here).

1 add a special search string to jump straight from the FARR inputbox to the myalias.aliases list in aliases/keywords/groups section of FARR options

2 add option to allow FARR searches even when options window is open (I describe a kind of workaround in an old thread). Because configuring alias IME often involve getting paths to folders/files etc and... that is of course quickly done through a FARR search!  :)

3 myalias.aliases list right click menu import/export commands: these show a box with each alias as a one line string. Make it so we can select all in that box with ctrl+A (standard windows behaviour). Let Esc close that window.

4 myalias.aliases list right click menu import/export commands: if the alias text is long copying it from export and pasting to import will cut it off without warning.  For example try to import this
1000>>>test1>->test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt>n>test a very long alias results field | C:\some file.txt
These 1580 characters are on import cut off to 1024 characters. I ran into this error when exporting an alias that showed a list of long urls.

Here is an ahk workaround that gives us 3
#IfWinActive ahk_class TTextPasteForm ahk_exe FindAndRunRobot.exe ;import/export
ControlClick, TMemo1, A
send ^{Home}
send +^{End}  ;select all
Esc:: WinClose, A

edit: partial workaround for 1
create this alias
name: alias
regex: ^alias$
results: dolaunch C:\folder\farr_alias_options.ahk ;;; dosearch gooptions
and save this ahk code to C:\folder\farr_alias_options.ahk  (uncomment sleep lines if it runs too fast)
WinWait, ahk_class TOptionsForm
WinActivate, ahk_class TOptionsForm
;sleep 50  ;go slower
ControlFocus, TTreeView1, ahk_class TOptionsForm
send AL    ;selects aliases in left pane
;sleep 50
ControlFocus, TListView1, ahk_class TOptionsForm
send {down}  ;focus alias list

Let us say we have an alias with regex pattern
^x (|.+)$
and result filter for regex
and three alias results

Type "x " and the three alias results are shown.
Type "x m" and only the swimming result is shown
Type "x ma" and nothing is shown, since no result name (the part before | ) contains "ma".

Mouser how about an option to when a result filter matches nothing revert to a regular FARR search? With that FARR would in my example above revert to a search for "x ma" everywhere and match e.g. C:\another folder\mad max.url

30SecondSilencer is a windows tool to add 30 seconds of silence every 30 seconds to an mp3 file.


But the duration of the silence and music segments can be customized. For example you can add 10s silence every 55s in the mp3 file. Optional fade in/out.

Download binary and source here

ffmpeg.exe and ffprobe.exe from latest version of at

If you want to compile from source: Autohotkey

changed ffmpeg concatenate code to avoid file errors
updated helpfile
code cleanup

first version with GUI
now uses windows temp folder as workdir (can be changed in source)
now outputs C:\<inputfolder>\<inputfilename>_30ss.mp3

first version, no GUI (pm if you want the old source)

Thanks to Attronarch (and mom!) for test driving the script, and for coming up with the use case.  :)

post edit 2022-01-09: new URL to ffmpeg dependency

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