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Google Mail yet again added a nice feature, RSS feeds above your emails!

It's perfect for those you-don't-need-to-read-every-feed-item-feeds that you casually enjoy reading, I like this!

This is how it looks (I added the yellow highlighting) - by clicking the backwards/forward button you can easily browse through new feed items:

The settings are pretty self-explanatory also:

By using the search on that page you can easily add feeds that aren't in Google's standard lists (they added the most popular already for your convenience).

EDIT: How cool! When you switch from the Inbox to Spam, instead of RSS feed items Google will offer links to Spam recipes! I just saw Spam Breakfast Burritos, French Fry Spam Casserole and Vineyard Spam Salad!!

;D ;D ;D


I need a script that checks every 5 minutes if iexplore.exe is running - if iexplore.exe has been running non-stop for the last 48 hours, it should pop up a warning.

The script (which I want to add to my main AHK script) doesn't need to be extremely fancy, it's just that I can't come up with a good idea of how to approach this problem...

Reason why: if I let IE (typically several instances) run for several days, a "msiexec.exe" process will sooner or later show up. I'm not totally sure if it's my A/V trying to install something there or whatever, but if I don't close all IE instances, the existance of the "msiexec.exe" process will result in high(er) CPU loads, which result in more noise, more energy consumption and more heat.

I failed in monitoring the "msiexec.exe" process directly (no problem with other processes), Microsoft somehow keeps that info hidden from AHK.

I quote zridling to add this poll :)

If so, let us know. If not, tell us why and what you'll be using instead.


(I'm both curious and ambivalent.)

Living Room / Fetching Cody
« on: June 29, 2006, 10:58 AM »
There's a movie!!  :D

Living Room / Birthday Calculator - really cool
« on: May 28, 2006, 10:32 AM »

Quoted output for a randomly chosen birthday:

As of 5/28/2006 11:28:36 AM EDT
You are 27 years old.
You are 328 months old.
You are 1,430 weeks old.
You are 10,007 days old.
You are 240,179 hours old.
You are 14,410,768 minutes old.
You are 864,646,116 seconds old.

Your age is the equivalent of a dog that is 3.91663405088063 years old. (Life's just a big chewy bone for you!)

There are 220 days till your next birthday
on which your cake will have 28 candles.

Those 28 candles produce 28 BTUs,
or 7,056 calories of heat (that's only 7.0560 food Calories!) .
You can boil 3.20 US ounces of water with that many candles.


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