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Screenshot Captor / v2.00.09 bug - strange problem, I can't fix it
« on: September 13, 2005, 10:49 AM »

me again :) I just used the "Move To/Configure MoveTo Folder List" menu entry for the first - and when I tried to capture something right after that I got this strange problem (see attachment). Screenshot Captor won't even let me close it, I had to kill it with the Task Manager. Also, reinstalling the program did not help. I got the capture sound but there is nothing saved when the error window pops up.

And just now I noticed another minor problem: when you hit Alt (in the GUI), the 'menu row' will NOT be activated. Since that is standard for Windows (based programs) I'd like you to allow that too.


ProcessTamer / feature request: kill process if...
« on: September 13, 2005, 02:14 AM »

I like the idea of Process Tamer but can't use it for the problem I have: one program that I run 24/7 sometimes acts up and then uses almost ~100% CPU. It won't react *anymore* so Process Tamer isn't able to reduce it's CPU load :(

This is why I would like a "kill process when CPU usage is more than (X) % for more than (Y) minutes" option. Maybe even with an additional "(XX) minutes after killing process (YY), start up .exe (ZZ)" option?

Screenshot Captor / v2.00.09 - suggestion for "On Capture" option
« on: September 13, 2005, 02:09 AM »

please enhance the On Capture --> On Capture option a bit: instead of or in addition to "Stay Minimized" I'd like an "don't return to Screenshot Captor" option. It should not jump back to the Screenshot Captor window even if that's not minimized when using the hotkeys to capture stuff.


in this post I will compare Clipboard Help+Spell to ClipX - a great, tiny, free clipboard manager, which code isn't  updated anymore :-( Have a look here:

- less RAM usage: ClipX does only use 500kb RAM, Clipboard Help+Spell did use 15 MB when I tested it

- ease of use: please test ClipX and let it inspire you :) What I especially like is the way it allows me to pop up the list of recent clipboard entries with a hotkey - where I can simply hit "s" to search for a string - and that I can set an additional hotkey that opens that list but but auto-selects the second but last entry.

- tray icon menu: this should contain an "options/preferences" entry

- a new name? To be honest, Clipboard Help+Spell isn't that good to remember, maybe you'll want a new name as it evolves?

Screenshot Captor / bug reports
« on: September 12, 2005, 08:08 AM »

first of all: thank you for this great program, I really love it!
The latest version does not save the windows size and position on exit - I start Screenshot Captor, maximize, close it, start it again - and it has the wrong (default) window size and position... :(

I'd be happy if you could fix that!  :up:

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