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Mini-Reviews by Members / Fewer system tray icons?
« on: September 26, 2005, 07:15 AM »
Does anyone know of (or could anyone code) a small program that would reduce the number of icons in my system tray - I have seen a pay-for one (can't remember title), but wonder if there is a free one.  I know Windows does this natively, but I would love to be able to just select which icons would always be hidden, and show them again with a mouseclick.  Anybody know?

Living Room / Re: Network problem - can anyone advise?
« on: September 23, 2005, 08:24 AM »
I had it working last night, and tested it a few times so I'm pretty sure it was working; but came in this morning, and the same old problem is back.  Just to give it a try, I carried the printer over to one of the XP boxes - of course it autoinstalled when I plugged in the USB cable, and then I just elected to share the printer, and it works brilliantly with no further ado...  So I am going to figure out how to rearrange the office this week, so that I can have it plugged into the XP box that is switched on most of the time...  And I'm pretty sure that'll be the end of my problem. 

Living Room / Re: Network problem - can anyone advise?
« on: September 22, 2005, 03:28 PM »
I feel a fool, but a happy one! Following Mouser's advice, I tinkered a little more with the firewall before giving up, and now it seems to be working! I'm not sure about security aspects of this, so can anyone advise? I'm running Kerio Personal 4, and I noticed that under Applications/Network Security, MS File and Printer Sharing was denied for the trusted zone, so I permitted that - but that wasn't enough, so I then permitted Generic Host Processes and Any Other Application - is this network suicide? What does and doesn't need to be permitted? 

Thanks, Mouser: I touch my proud head to your feet!

Living Room / Re: Network problem - can anyone advise?
« on: September 22, 2005, 11:48 AM »
Not practical at the moment, because of the setup we have in the office, but I am suspecting the issue might have to do with XP-98 communication...  And I did find that switching off the firewall made it possible to see each of the machines with Look@LAN, and on that basis managed to configure them properly - so, no, not as far as I can see is it a firewall problem anymore.

Living Room / Re: Network problem - can anyone advise?
« on: September 22, 2005, 11:34 AM »
Oh yes, many times!  I now have them printing to the i.p. address/printer, rather than to the computer name/printer - not sure if that ought to make any difference, but it seems a little more reliable somehow...

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