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Circle Dock / Re: Using Easy Unicode Paster
« on: November 22, 2008, 10:18 PM »
The first selector box on the left is for the selecting the shortcut key that shows/hides the Easy Unicode Paster program when it's running. It turns red if some other program is already using the selected shortcut or white if it is ok.

Circle Dock / Re: Using Easy Unicode Paster
« on: November 22, 2008, 08:54 PM »

For UltraEdit, it does work with Easy Unicode Paster but you need to ensure that the file you are working with is encoded in either Unicode/UTF-8 or Unicode/UTF-16 when you save it using the "Save As" dialog. Normally, UltraEdit opens an editing area that only handles normal ANSI characters. It is explained in this UltraEdit support article on unicode:

This also reminds me, I should try and find some links for fonts that have a large portion of the unicode characters encoded and put links to them on the Easy Unicode Paster website. It would probably make it easier for the casual user. I noticed that Windows Vista displays more of the unicode characters by default than XP does. For example, I can see the Arrows unicode characters fine in Vista but that font for it is missing in XP.

I will post an update to the EUP website in a little while for the fonts I find and a bug fix for Easy Unicode Paster that's unrelated to the troubleshooting in this thread.

Circle Dock / Re: Using Easy Unicode Paster
« on: November 22, 2008, 08:39 PM »

I just tried out Eudora 7 from on my computer and I can confirm that I get the displays ? for unicode characters that it can display no matter if I use Easy Unicode Paster or if I copy and paste unicode text from another text program. I found this thread: that says that Eudora 7 doesn't support unicode so it's something that the Eudora developers need to fix and not a problem with EUP or your computer.

Circle Dock / Re: Using Easy Unicode Paster
« on: November 22, 2008, 08:20 PM »
Which application displays the ? marks? If it's on the web, I can try downloading it and see what's wrong.

Circle Dock / Re: Using Easy Unicode Paster
« on: November 22, 2008, 08:08 PM »
I've tried an extra step.  Open Easy Unicode Paster, then click on your original application.  Then clicking on a character in the Paster will paste something into your application, but it usually pastes a ? rather than the character you click.  Once in a blue moon it will actually paste the character you click on.

Can you see the characters displayed correctly in Easy Unicode Paster itself? It could be that you don't have the fonts for a particular character. Most computers won't have all the fonts to display all the characters that come with Easy Unicode Paster. Try selecting a different character set.

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