thnx for replying,
My machine can't compile the src of bbceditor but I think following changes in the Parser file will result what I seek
#region issuu document
while (txt.Contains( "[docis]" ))
String qtmp = "[docis]";
int st_poz = txt.IndexOf( qtmp, StringComparison.Ordinal );
if (st_poz >= 0)
st_poz = st_poz + qtmp.Length;
int end_poz = txt.IndexOf( "[/docis]", st_poz, StringComparison.Ordinal );
if (end_poz > 0)
String tmp = txt.Substring( st_poz, end_poz - st_poz );
//txt = txt.Replace( "[docis]" + tmp + "[/docis]", "<docis src=\"" + tmp + "\" />" );
txt = txt.Replace( "[docis]" + tmp + "[/docis]", "<center><object style=\"width:420px;height:272px\" classid=\"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000\"><param value=\""+tmp+" name=\"movie\"><param value=\"true\" name=\"allowfullscreen\"><param value=\"false\" name=\"menu\"><param value=\"transparent\" name=\"wmode\"><embed flashvars=\"mode=mini&backgroundColor=%23222222&"+tmp+" style=\"width:420px;height:272px\" wmode=\"transparent\" menu=\"false\" allowfullscreen=\"true\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" src=\"\"></object></center>" );
Also justifying text can be achieve via following addition:
txt = txt.Replace( "[justify]", "<p align=\"justify\">" );
txt = txt.Replace( "[/justify]", "</p>" );
if you get some time plz compile your editor with the following Parser.cs file. I will be very grateful to you