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How to apply complex rules on Ymail emails?



I had been unfortunate enough to have set up an email account long ago with Ymail and I have shared it alot so I cannot change it.

I really want to instantly run complex rules on incoming emails but Ymail has very limited options for that.

I tried to import my Ymail to my Gmail which has much better rules options but I end up with all emails being duplicated (Gmail cannot separate the two inboxes and merges all emails in one inbox).

Can you suggest a software or other way to be able to run rules on my Ymail emails?

My requirements are:
1) it needs to run 24/7 regardless if I have my devices (laptop, mobile etc) switched on, so it probably needs to be a cloud/web solution
2) it needs to enable complex rules to be set up with AND/OR/NOT operators, preferably wildcards etc
3) it needs to apply the rules immediately when an email is received (rather than after minutes) and update the email status also immediately on the Ymail server
4) it needs to be a robust, accurate solution
5) it needs to offer top privacy

Any recommendation?


Cloud services are not exactly private.  I am pretty sure there are some selfhosted options out there that would do this.
Could you not just find an email client you like, that does complex rules (ie thunderbird) and run it on a pc (or rasbertyPI)?
It might not be instantaneous, but I think it would work.

Thunderbird also has a portable app. Not sure if its rules are up to what you are looking for. 


If you have a Yahoo, AOL, Outlook, Hotmail, or select non-Gmail accounts, use Gmailify to get many of Gmail's features with that address.

To do this, link your account to Gmail. After you link your account, you can find your messages in your Gmail inbox, plus these features:

* Spam protection
* Better mail notifications on mobile
* Automatic email sorting based on type (Social, Updates, Promotions)
* Faster search, with advanced search operators
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