Friends of DC

Since our founding in 2005, many programmers, both amateur and professional, have pulled up a chair and joined us at the table, sharing their software with the our community.

Here you can find some of the software sites run by these coders, where you can download the software they have created and shared on the DonationCoder forum over the years.

Make It and They Will Come
I really like the unique concept of DonationCoder as I've been a big software fan for well over 25 years and the 'wow' factor of seeing software perform a task that never seems possible still persists to this day. Having a site which supports this, fosters discussion about how software could/should deliver, as well as delivering unique software gains my eternal respect. I honestly believe that for DonationCoder, 'make it and they will come' can only be an accurate reflection.
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Software Collections from the Friends of DC

This page links to the websites and software collections of some of the programmers who hang out on our site and share their software freely with our members.

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