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Compressing files into multiple .zip archives with each .zip being independent

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I can confirm it doesn't create any zipfiles. Also if you could tick the "include subdirectory" option by default and include standard sizes (650, 700,4.7GB) that would make it quicker to use.

It looks like a great tool. I look forward to receiving the fixed one.

My problem is that it doesn't create the zip files (in oppose to the old versions).
Can you fixed that?
-testgames (December 05, 2007, 04:12 AM)
--- End quote --- works here without any problems.

1) What OS are you using?

2) Are there no zip files no matter which of the three output modes you can choose from?

3) What are the input and output paths you're using (so I can try them on my system)?

Actually, I may have found an (the?) issue.  Replace the spinzip.exe in your install folder with this one:

Let me know if that works.  If not, please answer my questions above.  Thanks.  =]

Thanks a lot for the quick response.

I have tested the application and here are the details:
The application works fine with small size directories (up to 2 GB).
When I tried to create stand alone zip files out of a 7 GB directory, only 2 out of 4 zip files were actually created.
Also, when choosing the big directory and marking the "scan subdirectories too?" box, most of the time the application gets stuck and I need to restart it (4 out of 5 times it doesn't work).

I am sure this app wasn't meant to handle such a big size directories, but maybe with some minor changes it will.
I appriciate your help !


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