ATTENTION: You are viewing a page formatted for mobile devices; to view the full web page, click HERE. Software > Screenshot Captor

LATEST VERSION INFO THREAD - ScreenshotCaptor - v4.42.0 beta - July 21, 2022

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i'd love to hear any reports about the new beta version fixing region capture stuff.

Nothing about region capture, but SSC is now taking a heck of a long time to complete a capture if I haven't used it for a while. After that it is quick enough. But let it sit and it can take 4, 5 minutes. Even then it stays red sometimes and never does signify the capture is complete unless I manually open the main window. Weird behavior.


see first tab in options about memory use -- see if changing that makes any difference.

see first tab in options about memory use -- see if changing that makes any difference.
-mouser (February 20, 2009, 03:59 AM)
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It shows as "Normal", same as it has always been. That should not be causing the delay/freeze.


4, 5 minutes
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yeah that is very very not normal.
if you can reproduce it, could you tell me if it happens whether you do a full screen capture vs other capture modes.


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