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Karen's Directory Printer - copy content of a directory to txt file or print it

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I couldn't find such a program quickly by searching the forums, so I used Google. I installed quite a few programs to try them, and the best one I found is Karen's Directory Printer. It was mentioned on the site before*, but with different descriptions.

You can see a screenshot and a bit more info here:

I like that it's free and quite flexible, and most features are intuitively usable. It offers Windows explorer (right-click on menu) integration and you can either print the results or save it to a .txt file.

Just wanted to let you know about this. :)



--- ---dir /s /b > output.txt

That does it too ;-)

I know, but not with a pretty good GUI, ready-made formatting, and Windows explorer integration!  8)

Karen (of Karenware) has been around forever and has some really nicely written freeware apps on her site.  Good stuff.   :Thmbsup:

A bit off topic but that reminded me of something.

Back in the day (the 1980's), I remember reading in a magazine that it was a good idea to print a list of all the files on your computer and put them on the wall for reference. Imagine doing that today!


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