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stackoverflow-like site for DC. Would it work? Now free

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I've had more than one that someone has backdoored me a question by PM because the forum was too noisy.  Yes, the conversational approach is nice, but when you're searching for an answer, it makes the forum seem too noisy, and not helpful.
-wraith808 (April 19, 2010, 08:21 AM)
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I guess that would all come down to whether you're participating in the Supplicant or Symposium mode.

(BTW - Glad to see some Sages finally PM-ed you your answers. Sages love to use "back channels" to get things done. It's one of their characteristics. PMs and 'guru level' IRC chats are big favs when you're a Sage. ;D )

I guess that would all come down to whether you're participating in the Supplicant or Symposium mode.

(BTW - Glad to see some Sages finally PM-ed you your answers. Sages love to use "back channels" to get things done. It's one of their characteristics. PMs and 'guru level' IRC chats are big favs when you're a Sage. ;D )
-40hz (April 19, 2010, 03:37 PM)
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Ummm... maybe I didn't make myself clear?  It was people coming to the forums for the first time that saw me comment in a thread that PM'd me for answers, instead of me doing the asking...  :shrugs:

Ummm... maybe I didn't make myself clear?  It was people coming to the forums for the first time that saw me comment in a thread that PM'd me for answers, instead of me doing the asking...  :shrugs:
-wraith808 (April 19, 2010, 04:24 PM)
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Um...nope! You were clear - I misread it.  :)

I had just got off the phone with Charter Communication's high-speed internet tech support "experts" so forgive me if I was seeing double when I wrote that.

Allow me to correct myself:

Glad to see some Supplicants PMed a Sage and finally got their answers.   :Thmbsup:


Semi-OT follows. Feel free to ignore.

So Mr. Wraith808, you old Sage you! Here's a research question:

Do you tend to prefer private message exchanges (or focused/expert's colloquies) when sharing/discussing technical information over the more unstructured discussion mechanisms like open forums?

Enquiring minds want to know...

Seriously, I very much would appreciate your input on that. (Feel free to PM if you'd rather.)  ;) 8)

Do you tend to prefer private message exchanges (or focused/expert's colloquies) when sharing/discussing technical information over the more unstructured discussion mechanisms like open forums?
-40hz (April 19, 2010, 05:52 PM)
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Actually, I like the discussion format.  I just see where it can be discouraging and/or frustrating to the user who's just trying to find the answer to a question and has to repeatedly attempt searches to try to find the answer they seek.  I've been in that position, and it's no fun.

Actually, I like the discussion format.  I
-wraith808 (April 19, 2010, 05:56 PM)
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Understood. :)

But do you have a distinct preference for one over the other in general?


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