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Locate32 Plugin (and FARR) Search Question

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I'm curious if there is a way to search my harddrive using the Locate32 plugin for FARR (and just via FARR itself) for a particular file.

The file I'm searching for has "exam" in the title, but when I search for "exam" I get lots of files that have "example" in their name (so many, I can't find what I'm looking for).

Is there any way to narrow the list accordingly?  Using Locate32 directly, I can search for "exam -example" and it narrows the list down to what I'm looking for, but I can't find a way to do the same thing with either FARR or the Locate32 plugin for FARR.   :huh:  Probably a simple answer, but I'm missing a beat somewhere.

Thanks in advance! 

Try "-lw exam". FARR plugin uses locate.exe with searches so you can use its command line arguments (see "locate -h" in command prompt).

For Locate32, I suggest you to try "Match whole name only" option in Advanced tab.

Try "-lw exam". FARR plugin uses locate.exe with searches so you can use its command line arguments (see "locate -h" in command prompt).

For Locate32, I suggest you to try "Match whole name only" option in Advanced tab.
-jmj (December 16, 2008, 10:14 AM)
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Thanks, jmj, for your reply!

Unfortunately your suggestions didn't work in my situation.  The file name I'm looking for merely contains the word "exam", it is not the entire title.  Using -lw, therefore, brings up no results. 

As I mentioned, the Locate32 program itself works great!  I can specify "exam -example" in my search and it will match all files containing "exam", but exclude just those that have "example".  Neither the Locate32 plugin nor FARR seem to offer the same capabilities though (so far as I can tell).  I consulted the list of command line arguments as you suggested, but I still don't see anything that works in this particular case.  I hope I might be just missing something obvious!

I'd welcome any further suggestions you might have.  Many thanks!

Ok. I think that this is issue in locate.exe, not FAR plugin itself (unless Okke wants to start using Locate32 searching module directly). To get this work, I should extend locate.exe to understand logical operators. I'll add that to the todo list.

unless Okke wants to start using Locate32 searching module directly
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one of the things i would really really like to do is build into the core FARR functionality the option to use locate32 module or indices directly and explicitly.

jmj -- maybe one of these days in near future you will let me bend your ear and ask a few questions about the best way for me to do it.


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