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IDEA: DFT to GEDCOM converter

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A GEDCOM is a file that contains family tree information. GEDCOM files can be loaded into most genealogy software.
Here is the GEDCOM format:

DFTCOM2 is a java program that converts a GEDCOM into a data file and shows the family tree in an applet.
Here is the DFT data file format:

Between 2003 and just last month, there have been many posts on the DFTCOM2 forum from people who have lost their original GEDCOM files and need a program to convert their DFTs to GEDCOM. However, the DFTCOM2 project was discontinued and no one ever made the converter.

This is a fairly simple project; it is mostly parsing information from one format to another and adding relationships between individuals. I was almost able to make the converter myself, but the numbers that determine the relationships are confusing. However, completing this project wouldn't take more than a day and would help a lot of people recover their family trees.

Hrmm sounds like an interesting little project. I've spent a good deal of my career writing parsers and hacking data formats.. Can you give me info on what you learned? I have some familiarity with the GEDCOM format already..

Wow that would be great if we could finally get this done  ;D

I have the java source code for the DFTCOM2 applet viewer. It loads the information from the DFT data file into arrays. I have figured out how to read most of the information from the arrays, although some of it isn't parsed correctly for the GEDCOM format (ie: the dob is mixed with the place of birth) and the variables that link family members are pretty confusing.

If you know java, we could probably edit the DFTCOM2 program to parse the information from the loaded data file and save each individual and family in the GEDCOM format. I can send you a copy of the source code if you want to take a look at it.


I already started to look at the applet source by using jad and I'm starting to mess around with reading the example file you posted although I'm doing it in C++. I do a lot of work in Java, but I'm happier in C++ because I find Java way too limiting, maybe it is because I'm forced to use it at work  :D.. If I write something I'd prefer to do a drag and drop WTL app in C++ so people can just drag a bunch of DFT files and drop them on the GUI and have it just spit out the same file names with GEDCOM extensions.. Who knows, let me play around a bit and get familiar with the data structures and then get back to you. I'd like to get my feet wet a bit before I jump in  ;)

Well.. I have the framework coded up and in a command line app, and so far I have it reading all the data in the file and storing it in internal data containers, so the next step will be to generate the GEDCOM file from the data, but I think I should have something "testable" soon..


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