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IDEA: DFT to GEDCOM converter

<< < (2/5) > >>

That's great thanks!  ;D

Hey hows it going is the program almost ready?

Things are going pretty well, ran into a little snag with high ASCII characters in text strings, but I have seen this kind of thing before when I use to work a lot with JSP and people would cut and paste from MS Word and the apostrophe char (0x92) would get used instead of the char at (0x47), so I have to work around that issue. But I have not had time to work on it lately with the holiday and I've had an intense cold kicking my butt for the last week; but I will be back to it soon and I'm committed to finishing and having a working prototype for you to test with at least by the first week of 2008 :)

Things are going pretty well now, except with the cold ( it is still here ), but I'm not sure how all of the data is linked. Did you learn anything about that from the java code?

As I said in my first post, the variables that link the individuals is the part I couldn't figure out.

I'm looking at the java source code... maybe this could help?

--- Code: Java ---public void loadAncestors(int i, int j)    {        if(j >= 1)        {            nodeList[treeNode].prefix = 0;            nodeList[treeNode].indiRef = i;            nodeList[treeNode].repaint();            treeNode++;            int k = j / 2;            loadAncestors(mData[pData[i].famc].husb, k);            loadAncestors(mData[pData[i].famc].wife, k);        }    }
Thanks again for working on this project


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