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Main Area and Open Discussion > General Software Discussion

SQLNotes...what is it exactly?

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Copy: This will be added, for sure.

Passwords: Currently you can password protect/encrypt the entire database, not individual items/grids.
It is planned to add item/grid permission management, based on the itemOwner

I think I found a bug:
In the Options, where it says "Create backup on program close", I keep changing it to "Yes" and it keeps going back to No.  That's why I didn't have backups saved that one time.  The setting doesn't stick.

I think I found a bug:
In the Options, where it says "Create backup on program close", I keep changing it to "Yes" and it keeps going back to No.  That's why I didn't have backups saved that one time.  The setting doesn't stick.
-superboyac (December 10, 2007, 11:40 AM)
--- End quote ---

same here - I hadnt noticed cause it's set by default to do backup every 5 mins

confirmed, I'm working on it right now

Okay. this is not urgent as I'm working on something else right now, but I'm not able to import my Outlook contacts  properly. I believe that there's a problem with the long notes I've included in some of them + other fields that might contain these characters --> " , [tab].

Wouldn't it be possible (eventually) to import data through a different format than “the tab/coma separated values” one ?

Okay --> Pierre, I just saw your comment on the wiki page concerning live sync between SQLNotes and Outlook. So I guess I'll have to wait for that.


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