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What's your preferred File Manager
"pro features" ? :huh: ...... Q-Dir ? :o :-\ ...... :D LOL
-AbteriX (August 28, 2015, 01:13 PM)
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Depends. It has quite a lot of features indeed. Sadly, the wrong ones.
Did you think of trying out the free version of XYplorer, XYplorerFree?
-rjbull (August 31, 2015, 05:14 PM)
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Yes. tried it, didn't quite like the way the icon/files are displayed. They are too big ,and take too much space.
I'm happy with QDir so far, there is only small annoying feature about how the tabs are displayed that I hope it will be resolved in future. I don't understand by what you mean by wrong features, I see everything there can be customized.
Power Desk...brings back a lot of memories for me. One of the first programs I geeked out on. Definitely my first alternative file browser.
Power Desk...brings back a lot of memories for me. One of the first programs I geeked out on. Definitely my first alternative file browser.
-superboyac (September 01, 2015, 12:21 AM)
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First as in historical perceptive, perhaps. First, as in choice today: No way!
I used PowerDesk for many years, going back to Windows 95, when it was part of the Mijenix Fix-It Utilities package. After Ontrack bought Mijenix, the original developers formed a new company called Novatix and brought out a similar program called ExplorerPlus, which went nowhere. Ontrack did little development and eventually sold PowerDesk to VCOM, another software company that maintains orphan software without further development and sells it based on past reputation. It then passed on to Avanquest - same thing.
PowerDesk 6 was the last worthwhile version, but I haven't used it in nearly a decade.
My file manager of choice for the last 5 years has been XYplorer.
PowerDesk was a wonderful file manager back in the day. I think I used every version up to version 6 or so. Sadly, these days the only usefulness PowerDesk serves is being a cheap, cost-effective way to get the Stellent/Outside-In/QuickView Plus functionality installed on a PC.
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