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IDEA: Keyboard & Mouse cleaner

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It's really easy to compile an ahk script with an icon, included with ahk, in the folder "compiler", there's "ahk2exe". Just open it, select source+destination+icon and you're done ;)

if the AV can be disabled temporarily, then you can use a resource editor to extract the icon from the existing exe.

anyway, there is a similar thread here and it may come in handy.

AFAIK Skrommel has been asked several times to recompile his scripts using a newer version of Autohotkey. Guess he has no interest.

Here's a recompiled "ToddlerTrap". Icon extracted using IrfanView.

AFAIK Skrommel has been asked several times to recompile his scripts using a newer version of Autohotkey. Guess he has no interest.
-wr975 (August 19, 2008, 11:19 AM)
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Not exactly, wr975.. Unfortunately, it really isn't skrommel's fault, mouser has already recompiled all of them once.
The problem is that eventually, the AVs just catch up, and find "viruses" in the recently compiled versions.
It's really sad that this happens, but I think it'd be impraticable for software developers to be recompiling all of their programs each time an AV decides one of them is a "virus".
It's sad that things have got to this point :(

actually skrommel has recently started re-updating his page and i have talked to him about automating the recompilation process -- i hope he will finalize the process so he can recompile them all when needed without too much trouble.  i do hope the ahk lead developers are trying to get the antivirus people to stop their irresponsible behavior.


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