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Quotes organiser?

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I am kinda of a collector of quotes -> and was wondering if anyone had any ideas that would help my organise them. I know this kinds of branches into notetaking programs and such but I would like to know which software is good for this purpose.

Preferable I would like to add tags to quotes and preferably search by tag, author, subject, and content

Any ideas?  :)

I leave with a quote:
"There is only one good: knowledge, and one evil: ignorance."

nice question.. i look forward to hearing some suggestions.

ps. i was thinking i writing a farr plugin to search through quotes (though i had in mind the simple popup wisdom / fortune style quotes data files which is just a text file with one line per page -- no keeping track of author, subject, keywords, etc.).

Well, GemX has something that will allow you to do this... You can go for a standalone called WizQuotes - which I have not tried - or purchase the base of Do-Organizer which features a quotes component. It *might* be too rudimentary for your needs.I hesitate to recommend them at the moment, though...

Anyway, here's a screenshot of Do-organizer.

Quotes organiser?

An alternative that might be worth looking at is Evernote - the free version will allow you to organize and tag your quotes to your hearts content.

Finally, a FARR plug-in would be cool  :Thmbsup:

Thanks Darwin, I see what you mean - the site was awfully slow...  :(

But your posted screenshot looked good, so I decided to download it anyway (took about 3hrs)

I considered Evernote -> but the program is organised as one long 'note' - only way is to filter it with searches, which I didn't like much  :(

Any other ideas?

Check out Smart Quote Organizer. See screenshot.

Note, this is not a recommendation as I haven't used this program.


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