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GemX - missing in action

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From the little testing of TexNotes that I did, I don't think it can add to what you have (Onenote, Evernote). Well depends on what you are looking for. To me TexNotes was more about text formatting and editing and such (and very powerful), than about data, which is where Onenote and Evernote shall be more powerful. GUI seemed extremely overdone, way too many things, but it was also very configurable so no problem..

Btw. I have just received a reply from GemX through DSM, in about 2 hours after the request. (And it's long after their business hours.)
-tamasd (January 12, 2008, 07:42 PM)
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Well, if they can get back on tracks, that's cool for all those who still use and like their products!

From the little testing of TexNotes that I did, I don't think it can add to what you have (Onenote, Evernote). Well depends on what you are looking for. To me TexNotes was more about text formatting and editing and such (and very powerful), than about data, which is where Onenote and Evernote shall be more powerful. GUI seemed extremely overdone, way too many things, but it was also very configurable so no problem..
-tamasd (January 12, 2008, 07:47 PM)
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I agree with all that.

I'll add to what I say previously that, nevertheless, TexNotes is a very nice and likable application and it has some very good export features... So it's still an option, ken, if you're willing to take the GemX route...

For notes, you could also use SQLNotes (code name), which is now available for free in beta.
-Armando (January 12, 2008, 07:16 PM)
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My copy says "this beta version expires in 50 days" so it might be just a trial version and not "free beta".

Actually, you're right. Bad wording on my part, sorry!!!
Although since new versions of the beta appear almost every month, it's like an endless trial... until the final version (will be released, at some point). Pierre Paul Landry (pplandry DC member : very nice and open developer) suggested a $49.99 introductory price. But "contributing" beta testers should get a free license (you could check that with him though).

So... you downloaded it.... You should also go check the thread about SQLNotes.

SQLNotes is really impressive once you start to understand how it works and everything you can do with it. I can't wait for the essential features I need to be implemented : calendar (soon) + Outlook import and palm syncing (if it happens)... I'll just ditch Outlook and many other software, most probably.

No need to apologize. I understood, it's actually Pierre's words that it's free, but he means that it's free to use now, while we shareware veteran users still call it trial :)

Actually I downloaded about two times months ago, and it never worked on my system. This is the first build that works for me, and it already looks way more complete than the older ones. It's very powerful but also steep learning curve. I'm a happy UltraRecall user, no need to change, but SQLNotes might be hard to resist (the inner child needs to play).


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