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GemX - missing in action

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No, that's actually just to give hope to potential buyers and cash in on a little Xmas $$flow$$.   This company has already made their play, by responding to nothing.  Their website can "say" whatever it wants, everyone knows they have been MIA, how convienent (for them) to show up in time for a lovely little Christmas promotion. 

closing down sale maybe ?
-tomos (December 20, 2007, 03:23 AM)
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I would say that sounds more accurate. 

Removal of the user forums was one of the first things WinOrganizer did before it came to a crawling halt in development.  Leaving a message eerily similar to the one on GemX's announcements page.  As has been discussed here before, all it takes to maintain user forums is some keen individuals with a sort of responsibility about them, and a vested interest in the product.  Not hard to find among any popular software's community.  You don't just remove all your forums and not respond to peoples inquiries.  Unless the whole company was a one man shop and he/she passed away or their computer was stolen for like about 5 months - or maybe they just installed Vista, that would explain everything.

while not pointing fingers at anyone -
this comes from my own experience.

from a developer's standpoint:
The first problems is that to make a good organizer, you need a good scheduling control, a good word-processor control and good database tool.

the first problems is trying to figure out which scheduling library is good enough to be used, and which ones to use. most of the schedulers in the market are [-- !! --] quality. there are only two good vendors in the Delphi market and two in the MFC/C++ market. if you buy something that's bad, you end up with angry customers or very limited scheduler features.

the second problem is a good word-processor library - most of the third-party word-processor libraries in the market are same as above that I mentioned.

the third problem is getting a good database library. ... (same as above).

now, imagine if you are the developer, you buy a [-- !! --] scheduler, [-- !! --] word-processor, [-- !! --] database, and try to develop an organizer... you invest hundreds of hours to develop a working product, you eventually fail.

i wonder why no finger pointing went out to the software library vendors. they appear to be blameless...

i looked at the GemX issue, and many of the issues found in their not due to their fault. I purchased the same libraries that GemX uses, and I never used them, due to "quality" issues :(

for example, the costs would be like investing approx US$15,000 to sell a product worth US$29.95 ..., how many US$29.95 products do you have to sell to recover your costs and make a profit? not an easy answer.


one of the things we did was put our bug tracker public and anyone can see the status of what's going on.

Carol Haynes:
You could argue that even if the components are the source of the problem it is the package developers fault for choosing such crappy components!

If they were all they could afford at the time of initial development then the profits from sales should ideally be invested in better components for the next version and redevelop a better product based on them.

Users don't (IMHO) need to be told why bugs occur or who is to blame - they simply want them fixed.


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