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Main Area and Open Discussion > General Software Discussion

GemX - missing in action

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Armando - had a quick look at SQLnotes - I liked the concept of Ecco without really seriously getting into it - once installed and run SQLnotes generated about 100 weird pop up error boxes each time I tried to access a tab! I'll give it another try maybe when they have sorted out whatever bug causes this!  :D

Armando - had a quick look at SQLnotes - I liked the concept of Ecco without really seriously getting into it - once installed and run SQLnotes generated about 100 weird pop up error boxes each time I tried to access a tab! I'll give it another try maybe when they have sorted out whatever bug causes this!  :D
-celtichare (September 17, 2007, 03:57 PM)
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Sorry to hear that the the installation was not successful. Most users report proper installation and operation. If you want, report it on the forums at We should be able to fix it. We're preparing a new update and could include a quick fix.

They could have "at least" posted a message on the blog... :-\

Maybe some would like this software: TotalText Container.
There is a "Download latest version" link on this page:

I agree doublewitt. Unfortunately, today marks one year exactly since the blog was updated!

Just checked - looks like the blog was somebody's pet project for a couple of months and then was abandoned. An "amazing" total of seven (7) posts.


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