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GemX - missing in action

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Well, hello everybody! You guys, you all know me - tiptop from the gemx forum. (or maybe no more).
Before anything, at least for me, the most important thing that's above everything else is... Client service. Service is what people want. If you put it ahead of everything else, then things will go well - it has to - that's simple common sense. When you put your "simple business sense" under the carpet, well, your business will fail. It's like the expression we hear sometimes, "put the horse in front of the cart". But some, when it comes to service, literally have the cart in front of the horse and expect things to move that way.
-doublewitt (September 10, 2007, 05:10 PM)
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Hi there all. I too am a registered GemX User (and forum participant). I am the one who (and I admit perhaps rather vocally) had criticized the support issues of Gemx including the DSM functionality, the contact support issues and others. I also had posted a poll in the forum about Service issues/bug reports versus adding functionality. As many of you may remember I took several "hits"   :D for my stance (being a longtime developer myself) and even removed the poll as many found it perhaps too critical. I also corresponded in PM with Tiptop and expressed my reservations about the support issues.

All that being said, I find it interesting that the registered user section is still up and running and seems to be fully functional. I to have placed messages with the DSM support s well as sending emails to their Gmail account, and like everyone else have not had any luck receiving any kind of response.

Perhaps I am an optimist at heart but until such time as the Gemx registered user area ceases, then perhaps their is still hope. Of course that could also just be a method of still providing sales to new users.
As has been mentioned I too have continued to use the product and have even had limited success in getting certain parts (Finance/Spreadsheet - mailer) to work better - for me (especially with the Beta version).
Yes there are lots of bugs/support issues to deal with, but the product is still quite unique in its approach and functionality and if Gemx can get it's support and development issues resolved then perhaps there is hope.

BTW doublewitt do u still live in Montreal (as I am moving to Laval in a month or 2),


Ha ha. Welcome to Donationcoder, blakelyg! I'm from Vancouver Island so we're getting a healthy number of Canadians in this thread. Interesting. Anyway, like you, I am hopeful that the wind will change and all will be well. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Interestingly, when I purhcased my copy of Do-Organizer, the download that I received and have installed is version dated July 9, 2007. When I check for updates I get a an offer to "update" to a version a month older, 3.0.8. Trying to find out about this was what alerted me to all not being well in GemX land... Like blakelyg, my e-mails and DSM attempts have gone unanswered.

Beth UK:
To quote Darwin...

Wow! TipTop is here
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and Blakelyg too! Seems like a whole forum is migrating to Donationcoder. It surely underlines the sad thing that has been going on when even the Gemx forum moderator is kept out of the loop!

I think you'll find lots of really interesting stuff here though - the level of discussion and community is fantastic.

Ha ha. Welcome to Donationcoder, blakelyg! I'm from Vancouver Island so we're getting a healthy number of Canadians in this thread.-Darwin (September 10, 2007, 06:50 PM)
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Yeah, "agent doublewitt" still lives near Montreal - a little bit north now (St Eustache) - but very close to Laval. Even though I've been in the Montreal region for many years, I was born in Victoria, BC! 

A software application I like a lot and I fall back on is TreeDBNotes PRO. Their new version 3 is interesting. I enjoy using this multi-tabbed outliner. I have tabs right across the screen in some databases. An interesting feature is the ability to "lock" tab/trees. And also, you can lock individual notes. That helps to "privatize" data. They have a simple approach and it's useful. It's a devoted russian developer and there have been many, many updates over the last 2 months and apparently, many more to come. If you care to look at it, here's the location:


Yeah, "agent doublewitt" still lives near Montreal - a little bit north now (St Eustache) - but very close to Laval. Even though I've been in the Montreal region for many years, I was born in Victoria, BC! 

A software application I like a lot and I fall back on is TreeDBNotes PRO. Their new version 3 is interesting. I enjoy using this multi-tabbed outliner. I have tabs right across the screen in some databases. An interesting feature is the ability to "lock" tab/trees. And also, you can lock individual notes. That helps to "privatize" data. They have a simple approach and it's useful. It's a devoted russian developer and there have been many, many updates over the last 2 months and apparently, many more to come. If you care to look at it, here's the location:
-doublewitt (September 10, 2007, 07:36 PM)
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Thanks for the software link.... I will check it out. How is the "support" there.  :)

St Eustache eh? Great flea market there, have been there several times this summer already with my fiance. :)



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